Saturday, May 23, 2009


Remember this post? Well it turns out this probably wouldn't be such a bad idea. I am trying to figure out exactly how to ship my bricks from St. John's to Conche and it is proving to be a little tougher than I anticipated. Paul Bromley, the fisherman who is bringing me to the islands, said he'd receive the bricks for me, but when I asked him what his address was he said "Address? Just tell them to ship it Paul Bromley in Conche. Everyone here knows me anyways." I'm highly doubtful Day and Ross Shipping will be able to give me a price for Paul Bromley, Conche.

Eventually I got his mailing address out of him (a P.O. Box), but the concept of a street address seemed beyond him. I thought for a moment that Conche might not even have streets or addresses to go along with them, but then I looked it up on Google Earth and there is, apparently, more than one road in the town.

So next I called the French Shore Historical Society (where I had introduced myself a few months ago) and asked them what the deal was with shipping in the area. On the other end of the phone Joan told me that no one really knows their street address in Conche. She was, however, able to tell me that Paul lives on Stage Cove Road, and in her head she counted off seven other houses that lined the road before his. "So he must be 8 Stage Cove Road" she said. Whether this information is accurate remains to be seen, but whoever lives at 8 Stage Cove Road is about to receive 3000 pounds of firebrick.

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