Thursday, April 16, 2009

Reading List

Several people have asked what I'll be reading while I'm on the islands. I'm not really a big reader, but there're a few things that I find indispensable. This is what I'll be bringing with me:

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - probably all five books, but definitely Life, The Universe, and Everything, because this is the one where Arthur Dent is stranded by himself on prehistoric Earth for five years. Very appropriate.

Cellini's Life - John Bear gave me this a few years ago and I've taken it with me on many camping trips.

Bourriaud's Relational Aesthetics - My copy of this book bicycled across North America with me in 2007. It is worn, stained, wrinkled, and torn. It is like an art piece in itself. Eventually, after it's been through a few more adventures, I think I will send it to Bourriaud.

Christian Bok's Eunoia.

Native Cookery and Edible Wild Plants of Newfoundland and Labrador - Hoping to use some of the local resources to sustain myself. This was published by the government of Newfoundland in the 70's.

Edible Fruits and Herbs of Newfoundland - Published by Memorial University in 1975.

and, of course, The Grey Islands by John Steffler.


  1. looks like a good book list. you can read Eunoia outloud .... as loud as you want.

    and be very careful with those edible herbs....don't pull a Christopher McCandless okay?
